Salt water

Tears have been my daily portion. They sit with me in the morning, and leave their calling card during the night. I cannot tell if I’m thirsty even though I’m surely dehydrated.

Grips in the soil

Tell me a story, mother.

I sit under your shade. I study the lines that mark you, the scorched earth that holds you, how your feet have been anchored to this side of life.

I know time may be coming, but let me savor the fruits of your wisdom and pen them on my heart. The memories that will sing forever in my mind.

Ni Hao Ma

I remember a boy by the name of “How”. I wonder if he remembers me. The young aloof Oreo girl that loved him for no reason despite all the rejected origami messages. The memory of my actions make me smile with embarrassment. For what it’s worth, I hope life has been well with him.