
Am I a fool. Am I a hope… less naive romantic.

How many times will I play a hand in fearful dismantling only to keep picking it up again.

If my hope is anything at this point, it’s an onion. Strongest while raw but savory when simmered just right.


I feel for you the way i shouldn’t. Most certainly at the wrong time.
Not completely yet healed and still my mind keeps walking in circles around you.
I hate infatuation.


why do i always pause for you.
i willingly shackle myself to your gaze and get lost admiring the potential of your lips.
i wonder and i wait. impossibilities.


My neck.
That is exactly what i am.
Because I have no head at the moment.
What am I doing? Vacillating and playing on something I’m not even sure of?
It’s not a heart i wish to break and what am i risking if i take?

Lessons from the fastlane

My, my.
How time reveals things in retrospect.
The foolishness of a rushed love interest. How steadfast one can be to give a broken heart away again, looking to be numbed and bandaged.
How true those moments feel while in the eye of the storm.
I’m glad that calamity has passed, and leaving me a bit wiser for it.


I stroke your face.
I let your sad eyes wash over me.
A moment fades into something beautiful.

I replay the moment over; it skips, its cut and edited.
The spaces where I never wanted them, made closer still.
Few and far between realities.

Onsen of Blue

Lost again in dreams. You feel so warm to me.

What trap have you laid for me?
How can I love you still?
How can you continue to claim a piece of my mind?
Time hasn’t moved you.
I feel myself wanting more of something that doesn’t exist.